
Young Writers Society

Pisces Prince

About Pisces Prince

Hello? *taps mic* Is this thing on? Oh, hey! ^_^ Welcome to my little domain! lol Well, the name's Vincent, nickname Vince (pet name: Tigger Tigg). I'm a 16 year old guy in the 9th grade, living in the good ol' U.S.A. My girlfriend, Aquarius Angel (pet name: Poochy Pooch), is my world. We've known each other since the 2nd grade, and so we finally gave into having a relationship. lol My life has been Hell since birth, but I've survived, as you can tell. *blows kisses to AA* LOVE YOU NOW TILL NO MORE!! Well, gotta go, guys. I'll update this later. Ta! *waves*

I communicate much better on paper than I do when I open my mouth.
— Aaron Sorkin